Imagens actuais do antigo ARGUS da Parceria Geral de Pescarias, irmão do CREOULA e do SANTA MARIA MANUELA, embora com melhoramentos significativos introduzidos no plano original.
Fotografias tiradas nas Caraíbas pelo capitão Benoit Donne, comandante do navio de cruzeiros CLUB MED 2.
Texto de Luís Miguel Correia e fotografias de Benoit Done. Direitos reservados (copyright)
4 comentários:
Melhoramentos significativos?? Assinaram o barco todo! Isto le-se com cada uma.....
Melhor assasinado do que acabar como o SMM ou pior, em pregos. Nao somos um pais dedicado a preservacao e a cultura. Em vez disso vendem-se os poucos simbolos historicos a quem sabe como aproveita-los. Mas por vezes aparece alguem que sabe dar o devido valor e em breve teremos mais um cisne de volta ao mar.
Este anónimo das 17:37 anda muito deactualizado.
This is a copy of the last e-mail(22th January 2009) sended to the Kloes & Partners Law Firm after the news from Lizzardo in
"Some years ago “Santa Maria Manuela”, a similar ship as “Polynesia II”, was in a similar situation. Waiting for some one to workout a solution to have it back sailing!
In fact those ships where built for the same Portuguese company and design by the same naval arquitect (Alexander Slatter). This was back in 1939, wend the ships “Polynesia II”name was Argus!
The former Portuguese Grand Banks fishing schooner ARGUS!
Today the ship “Santa Maria Manuela”, after a long period of abandon was recovered, saved, by a Portuguese private company, Pascual, and is in is final stage to return to the sea!
Both ships have a “sister” call “Creoula”, sailing under the flag of the Portuguese Navy.
Could you be so kind to inform us if this auction was carried through, and if so, what where the results?
Pedro Vasconcelos, from Lisbon, Portugal"
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